
Friday, September 16, 2011

Tweeted: An Open Letter to All Media Outlets

Tweeted: An Open Letter to Shepard Smith and Jessica Locker. (And All media outlets and those that would Divide and Conquer With Labels)

Ms Locker and Mr Smith:

I saw Shepard’s warning of riots about jobs on his show today.

This is not true. Please, we need patriots. Don't spin this to take away the power of the people.

This is what is happening: Nonviolent protests and movements all over the Nation are starting on September 17, against the corruption that has subverted our government. They have several names and can be followed on Twitter at any number of hashtags (#usdor #sept17 #occupywallstreet #usdayofragefl)

This has nothing to do with jobs, unions, liberals or conservatives although we cannot be responsible for what every single individual says in front of the cameras. For sure there will be different voices but the main message is this: Corruption has subverted a government of, by and for the people and we have to go after the source of the money.  We have one message regardless of politics. One citizen. One dollar. One vote.  There will be masses of people from all political parties that will put this movement above party loyalty.  We are UNITED, but there are people that will do everything they can to hijack and own the movement.  This is all over the Internet. Twitter is ablaze. Today you will see it yourself by following the hashtags. People will be filming constantly to counter the spin that will be unleashed.

And then there is this: Bloomberg is full of shit. If there is violence it will only because he unleashes the brutal force of the government upon the non-violent protesters. Please read about the protests here:   This is what Bloomberg is preparing for. To protect the powerful interests of Wall Street, the military industrial complex, etc. and the corrupt politicians that serve them, instead of protecting the First Amendment rights of the people to peaceful assembly and protest. Don't be fooled by the name. We are completely non-violent, but we are outraged at the corruption in Congress that is pillaging the American people. 

Bloomberg and the US government will prove tomorrow if they are no different than the murderous, oppressive government in Syria, Egypt, Libya and Iran. If there is any violence I PROMISE YOU it will come from the police, from the government and make no mistake these courageous people that will show up know it. They are putting themselves in harm’s way because dissent against the corruption has to be crushed. The people’s will has to be crushed! Please. Don’t help to give cover to the violence he is preparing to unleash on his own citizens.

We are watching for planted agitators.  In short, the attacks and the attempts to crush the people will be coming from all sides. There are corrupt, powerful people that do not want the people to be heard. If violence happens it will benefit them. WE KNOW THIS. So we lose. Make no mistake violence is not in our best interest and it will not come from us.

Please don’t spin this to divide and conquer the movement like the media has done with the bipartisan movement against the military industrial complex and a corrupt Congress that serves them. You have destroyed the Tea Party and liberal antiwar movement that were one and the same.  Corrupt media uses spins and uses politics to distract from the truth. To destroy our truth. The truth that social media will prevent you from spinning  anymore.

These non-violent protests that are being held all around the world in solidarity with protestors in the United States, is about corruption that has subverted a government of, by and for the people. Why don’t you report that and become the Fourth Estate instead of the propaganda machine that keeps a subverted government in power.  We need a courageous Fourth Estate. The very lives and liberty of the people are at stake. Or will you be like the controlled, government censored media in Syria, Libya, Egypt and Iran?
Watch Twitter this weekend and you will be able to report some truth.

We are no one and everyone. Expect us!

jeanette borges

#usdor #sept17 #occupywallstreet Bring flowers to protests to give to the police and lots of video cameras. Stop Bloomberg before he starts. Beware of agents provocateurs

Press Coverage and Celebrity Endorsemen​t Update and MESSAGE Please read


The rapper Lupe Fiasco (you know the song!/LupeFiasco/status/114732432938377217!/LupeFiasco/status/114095811809382400!/LupeFiasco/status/114070397934252032
San Fran watch out!!/LupeFiasco/status/114068418256314369

Roseanne Barr!/TheRealRoseanne/status/114203455324831744
We have been interview by CNBC, FOX, the Nation, Washington Post, and Democracy Now.

Our message when you speak to the press: (This is very important! Don't get it wrong because corrupt corporate media will do anything they can to make this about political parties and other dividing tactics. This is about corruption in politics.  One citizen. One dollar. One vote. Remember that if you forget everything else.)

Bought by hard and soft dollars, disloyal, incompetent, and wasteful special interests have usurped our nation’s civil and military power, spawning a host of threats to liberty and our national security.Free and fair elections remedy the myriad ills and abuses of a corrupt and illegitimate government, which preys on the resources and spirits of citizens.

One citizen.  One dollar.  One vote.

Wall Street is a huge contributor to the political machine, which in turns enables Wall Street's corporate plunder of our nation. Both the Democratic and Republican parties set the bankster agenda because of the MONEY. When we at US Day of Rage speak of 'taking the MONEY out of politics', we have no choice but to focus on the sources of the MONEY.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Some Initiative and Motivation

For all those that are following @usdayofragefl and USDayofRage in general :

I want to say something and I admit I got the inspiration from here . In just 3 days on September 17, thousands of Americans will board a series of subway trains in New York City bound for lower Manhattan and others are mobilizing in other parts of the country and the freaking world in solidarity against corruption of the banksters on our governments. 

In this country, even as you think we are free to peacefully protest and bring our grievances to our government, these people will mobilize, right here in the United States, unsure of how many people support them, unsure of how many there are, they will be alone and afraid at a time that their government preys upon them and seeks to exploit their lack of organization and fear to prevent them from peacefully assembling. They will not know what the next few hours of the day will bestow upon them, whether they will have the remaining shreds of their freedom violently ripped from them.

Remember that these are non-violent protests and contrary to popular belief, free assembly and free speech is not protected by the police. The police protect the corrupt institutions of power that have subverted our government. The police will seek any excuse to haul these people to jail or worse. So these people that are mobilizing all around the world on that day, including those in these United States will fear for their safety and the well-being of their country, but despite this fear, each and every one of them will have made a choice to mobilize, to take the train, to take the chance and to dare to dream that together we can build a better world.
So I want to know, what are you going to do? What will you do even if you can’t be there?

Will you re-tweet this information and show them overwhelming support at their most vulnerable moment? Will you speak to at least one person a day and get them to follow USDayofRageFl and the other initiatives? Will you come up with your own initiatives and do whatever it is that you can do?

It is imperative that everyone engage in growing this movement here in Florida. You have to spread the word, get motivated and show some initiative. Make no mistake; you each can make a difference.  Ambivalence is not an option here. Nodding your heads in agreement doesn’t cut it.  “Liking” us on Facebook doesn’t get us any closer to showing our power as a people. Followers on Twitter are meaningless if you are not engaged
In Florida will you show some initiative of your own and pass out flyers or share what you know with other on the Internet or whatever else you can do that fits for you?  Or will you just nod in agreement? Please see what you can do now.

What will you do? Come on now. Bust a move. The same goes for others in other States.

Email me at: usdorfl at

PS If you thought you could not get arrested for peaceful protest watch what happens for simply gathering on a sidewalk in New York.  Police State USA:  So I ask again what will you do to show your support for those that are doing what we can’t, won’t or don’t for whatever our reasons.

What You Can Do Now

Links are in bold font. Click on them.

I myself can’t do what these people are doing such as go to New York and Washington.  No one has come forth with any ideas to protest here or there or anywhere, so I am not going to show up in Tallahassee for a one woman protest that has not been scheduled or planned for the shear lack of interest or it could be that I am not good at rallying people and someone else should do this. I don’t know. I know I can’t do this by myself though. That much I know. LOL
But here is what I am going to do and I think you can too.

1.       A flyering campaign in Florida in front of media outlets, financial institutions and politician’s offices.  This can be done in every city for those that cannot travel to Tallahassee. You can inform the rest of us what you plan and see if you can double up in your town, but really you can do this on your own. I will print and send the flyers and pay for them myself if need be. All you have to do is email me. If you can print them yourself I will send you the Word document in an attachment. On September 17 and any day really, I am flyering (see it here) in front of the Orlando Sun Sentinel and any other media outlet. Like I said this is something anyone can do in their own city. West Palm Beach, South Florida, Jacksonville, Daytona and every city in between has newspapers, TV and radio stations.( Why do I like doing this at the doors of media outlets? Because all they do is cover for the corruption in government with their endless Republican vs. Democrat vs Tea Party false distractions. We are telling them “It’s the corruption stupid” and you are not fooling us anymore. Eventually they will have to stop their corruption and report the truth about our government. Many people are asleep because of corrupt media. Imagine the difference it could make and the people we could bring out of their comas if the media was held accountable for their collusion with corruption in government? One sweat day.)   That’s just me. You can pass out flyers anywhere. You know what’s happening in your city. Go where there are lots of people and public spaces so no one can ask you to leave.
2.       Every day I make sure I reach out to at least one person during the day and speak of the corruption that has subverted our government and how no matter whom you vote for it does not matter unless we take the bribery out of politics. I tell them about USDayofRage, the only organization that I know that is not corrupt and bought by politicians or corporations.
3.       Every day I tweet and post without even knowing if anyone gives a damn. I do it anyways and people following @usdayofragefl should take a second to simply retweet those tweets to others.  All the tweets.  Those people that you are tweeting to will get the message sooner or later. The whole reason why I even do this is so you can pass it on.
4.       We have to grow this movement in Florida so those that are in Florida have to reach out to your communities, friends and anyone else, however you can. Do what fits for you!
5.       Even though I can’t be in these protests around the county especially in Washington and New York I am going to retweet like hell and post on Facebook and show that I am there in spirit. Please do the same. Everyone can do this and it feels good! I am going to root for each and everyone and pray that the full force of the police state is not unleashed on them.
6.   Send in your suggestions!

As a people we need each other. I am not powerful without others and you are not powerful without others.  We need each other.  Every person counts because one plus one is two and two plus two is four and it reaches millions exponentially. We are only as strong as our weakest link. Don’t be that link. Please.

PS If anyone wants knows how to and wants to plan and organize protests just say so and start. @USDayofRageFl will promote it. We will do everything to support you. The  USDayofRage is about empowering people.  Don’t we all want that…to be powerful again? To be heard?

Most sincerely



We demand that integrity be restored to our elections.

Bought by hard and soft dollars, disloyal, incompetent, and wasteful interests have usurped our nation’s civil and military power, spawning a host of threats to liberty and national security.

Free & fair elections remedy the ills and abuses of a government that preys on the resources and spirits of citizens. These abuses and ills are listed on the official US Day of Rage Twitter hash tag #usdor.

We have had enough!
For these reasons, we come together to organize national non-violent protests against corruption.

Only citizens should make campaign contributions. One citizen. One dollar. One vote.

Find out more:

*Florida is organizing. To unite regardless of party against the corruption that has subverted a government of, by and for the people go to Follow on Twitter @usdayofragefl or on Facebook
*Suggest your own meetups with this great tool
*Show your solidarity with Occupy Wall Street on September 17- Wall Street is a huge contributor to the political machine, which in turns enables Wall Street's corporate plunder of our nation. Both the Democratic and Republican parties set the bankster agenda because of the MONEY. When we at US Day of Rage speak of 'taking the MONEY out of politics', we have no choice but to focus on the sources of that MONEY.
* October 6 Occupy Your State Capitol in solidarity w/ our DC Freedom Plaza occupation. Beginning on October 6 thousands have pledged to gather at Freedom Plaza in Washington, DC to protest corporate influence and militarism in government spawning a host of threats to our liberty, lives, solvency and national security.
My fellow citizen: before the votes are counted  in Congress and State legislatures, the votes are bought. We’ve tried them all: Republicans, Democrats and  Teocons who were bought by the military industrial complex instantly and  increased the Pentagon  budget this year. Corruption  knows no party and  no ideology. More and more people realize what corrupt media has tried so hard to keep from  them: that corruption, a government  run on bribery, legalized or not is no longer a government of, by and for the people. Whether they are Ron Paul, Obama, Tea Party, conservative or liberal loyalists or everything in between, no matter who they like in politics, they are abandoning the political divide created by corrupt media and uniting to take back their government from corruption before voting in 2012. The power that we have as a people is diminished when we are divided. We must unite against corruption. Do your own homework. Read more at so you can click on links and learn more. Email Jeanette Borges:

**The US Day of Rage is an idea, not a political party. We place principles and our objectives of taking back our government from corruption, before any party or personality.  US Day of Rage is not a money making operation.  We are volunteers.  No treasury is kept.  Don’t be fooled by the name! We are NON VIOLENT and stick to these principles! USDayofRage is about empowering people, not organizations or political parties. If we shed the political divide, together we will overcome the corruption  that has subverted the United States government.

Friday, September 9, 2011


After getting some suggestions I created this other flyer to start a flyering campaign in Florida in front of media outlets and politicians offices.  This can be done in every city for those that cannot travel to Tallahassee. Also, in Florida we have some unique opportunities with the conventions being held in Tampa and Orlando. Please inform the rest of us what is going on in your town.
Let me know what you think.  You know you all can email me at usdorfl at or you can direct message me on Twitter. If anyone wants to call me that's okay too.
Please tell me if this flyer is better then the other one here or if none of them are good. Since no one else is sending in their ideas I am just making it up as I go along. Oh please proofread. Sometimes I read right over the mistakes. Please remember: it's a flyer and its a pdf file so its not as sharp as a word document which I don't know how to upload without losing the format. Oh well.


We demand that integrity be restored to our elections.

Bought by hard and soft dollars, disloyal, incompetent, and wasteful interests have usurped our nation’s civil and military power, spawning a host of threats to liberty and national security.

Free & fair elections remedy the ills and abuses of a government that preys on the resources and spirits of citizens. These abuses and ills are listed on the official US Day of Rage Twitter hash tag #usdor.

We have had enough!
For these reasons, we come together to organize national non-violent protests against corruption.

Only citizens should make campaign contributions. One citizen. One dollar. One vote.

Find out more:

*Florida is organizing. To unite regardless of party against the corruption that has subverted a government of, by and for the people go to Follow on Twitter @usdayofragefl or on Facebook
*Suggest your own meetups with this great tool
*Show your solidarity with Occupy Wall Street on September 17- Wall Street is a huge contributor to the political machine, which in turns enables Wall Street's corporate plunder of our nation. Both the Democratic and Republican parties set the bankster agenda because of the MONEY. When we at US Day of Rage speak of 'taking the MONEY out of politics', we have no choice but to focus on the sources of that MONEY.
* October 6 Occupy Your State Capitol in solidarity w/ our DC Freedom Plaza occupation. Beginning on October 6 thousands have pledged to gather at Freedom Plaza in Washington, DC to protest corporate influence and militarism in government spawning a host of threats to our liberty, lives, solvency and national security.
My fellow citizen: before the votes are counted in Congress and State legislatures, the votes are bought. We’ve tried them all: Republicans, Democrats and  Teocons who were bought by the military industrial complex instantly and  increased the Pentagon  budget this year. Corruption  knows no party and  no ideology. More and more people realize what corrupt media has tried so hard to keep from  them: that corruption, a government  run on bribery, legalized or not is no longer a government of, by and for the people. Whether they are Ron Paul, Obama, Tea Party, conservative or liberal loyalists or everything in between, no matter who they like in politics, they are abandoning the political divide created by corrupt media and uniting to take back their government from corruption before voting in 2012. The power that we have as a people is diminished when we are divided. We must unite against corruption. Do your own homework. Read more at so you can click on links and learn more. Email Jeanette Borges:
**The US Day of Rage is an idea, not a political party. We place principles and our objectives of taking back our government from corruption, before any party or personality.  US Day of Rage is not a money making operation.  We are volunteers.  No treasury is kept.  Don’t be fooled by the name! We are NON VIOLENT and stick to these principles! USDayofRage is about empowering people, not organizations or political parties. If we shed the political divide, together we will overcome the corruption  that has subverted the United States government.

Saturday, September 3, 2011


We have tried them all. Whether it’s the Republicans, Democrats or the Teocons who increased the war budget this year, corruption knows no party and no ideology.
Corrupt corporate media and the puppets that serve those that through corruption have subverted our government, live to divide, conquer and destroy the power of the people to keep intact that corruption. More and more people realize what corrupt media has tried so hard to keep from them: that corruption, a government run on bribery, legalized or not, has subverted their government. It is no longer a government of, by and for the people. Whether they are Ron Paul, Obama, Tea Party, conservative or liberal loyalists or everything in between, no matter who they like in politics, they are abandoning the political divide created by corrupt media and uniting to take back their government from corruption before voting in 2012. This is what those that have love for their country do: we unite to fight for our country in our country. It’s what we have been waiting for.
Before the votes are counted in Congress and State legislatures the votes are bought and there is an army of corrupt puppets in the media and on the Internet that will do everything in their power to keep it that way. They divide and conquer us using politics because they know that united, regardless of party, the power of the people cannot be overcome. They will fight us to get their way. Don’t let them do it. Not again.
We demand that integrity be restored to our elections. Special influence corrupts our political parties, our elections, and the institutions of government. Free and fair elections remedy the ills and abuses of a government that preys on the resources and spirits of citizens. -These abuses and ills are listed on the official US Day of Rage Twitter hash tag #usdor.
We have had enough! For these reasons, we come together to organize a national and non-violent protest. Only citizens should make campaign contributions. Campaign contributions by citizens should not exceed $1 to any political candidate or party. One citizen. One dollar. One vote.
The USDayofRage is an idea, not a political party. We place principles and our objectives before any party or personality. It is a decentralized, all-volunteer run organization made up of a network of autonomous state and city affiliates.  Every US Day of Rage organizational committee on the state, city, and federal level should be entirely self-supporting, declining outside contributions from any political party, association, or candidate.  US Day of Rage is not a money making operation.  We are volunteers.  No treasury should be kept.  We are NON VIOLENT and stick to these principles! USDayofRage is about empowering people, not organizations or political parties.

Find our more and show your solidarity with:
*Occupy Wall Street-September 17- take back your government from corporations that buy Congress including Wall Street. Protests all over the world at the doors of financial institutions
* October 6 occupy your state capitol in solidarity w/ our DC Freedom Plaza occupation. Beginning on October 6 thousands have pledged to gather at Freedom Plaza in Washington, DC to protest corporate influence and militarism in government spawning a host of threats to our liberty, lives, solvency and national security.
Do your own homework. Access the entire article on the Internet to click on the links. Rid yourself of the division that keeps you from uniting to fight for your country. For example, see how corrupt corporate media and puppets on the Internet have destroyed the bipartisan movement to fight against the takeover of our government by the military industrial complex, dubbed the anti-war movement by the media. When it is the left “anti-war movement” and organizations like Code Pink it is demonized as the “evil, unpatriotic, communists, liberals that hate our troops”. When it was the Tea Party that started under Bush it was made into the “right wing religious extreme” faction of the Republican Party thanks to people like Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin who hijacked that movement. The results?  Eternal wars and the pillaging of the American people by Congress in order to take from us and give to the military industrial complex. So what if we bring home our troops from foreign lands in body bags and damaged for life as long as they get what they want from a Congress corrupt beyond belief.  Without you we the people are weaker. Will you stand by and let this continue? Read more
I created that for a fliering campaign  in Florida in front of media outlets and politicians offices.This can be done in every city for those that cannot travel to Tallahassee. Please let me know what you think @usdayofragefl